Areas of Scientific Consulting Expertise
Numerical Solutions to Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Our company has developed algorithms and contributed to a number of publications for solving ordinary and partial differential equations.
Computer Vision & Image Processing
We specialize in solving challenging problems in computer vision and image analysis. We believe that good deep learning tools start with good feature engineering and properly pre-processed data, and use our unique approach to image processing based on curve and orientation fields.
Non-linear Optimization
We have developed a multi-purpose optimization library that quickly can be deployed for solving challenging, non-linear optimization problems. All the user has to do, is to formulate the cost function (a.k.a the energy function), and specify what parameters to solve for.
Advanced Data Fitting & Time Series Analysis
How do you fit or approximate data such that it ignores outliers? How do you find the optimal functions to approximate your exotic data set that does not lend itself to traditional polynomial or trigonometric approximation? How do you fit data that is known to have legitimate discontinuities without smoothing the result?